Powershell SysAdmin tools

Powershell SysAdmin tools are the tools for me as an IT Guy to make my life and workday easier.
Normally I will post this in Dutch, but due to the interest from overseas, It’s better for me to write this in English.
To be honest I am not profound to blog every time I have something on my hands that could be interesting. However I work with Powershell a lot the last couple of months and came across some of the best Powershell scripts there is to find amongst us. I use a lot of them frequently and I’ve decided to put them in a SysAdmin Tool zip file, to make your life easier as a Sysadmin 🙂

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About me

I am Michel Cheret and I am an driven and enthusiastic IT Guy. I'm working for about 13 years in IT and having done all sorts of things and never experienced a dull moment. I love to learn and develop myself. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me at michel@michelcheret.com